Simply follow these steps below to remove Word restrict editing by changing its extension. If your Word document is ".doc" format, you need to save it again in ".docx" format. All you need is to ensure that your Word file is unlocked and comes with ".docx" extension. You can easily remove the editing restriction in Word file without password. Method #1: Remove Restrict Editing from Word by Changing File Extension Method #2: Remove Restrict Editing from Word Using Password Remover Software.Method #1: Remove Restrict Editing from Word by Changing File Extension.If you are stuck with removing restrict editing in Word, please keep reading on this post to find out available solutions to remove restrict editing from Word, which are listed below. In such case, it will be even more difficult if users do not have any idea to get rid of the restriction from Word files. However, sometimes, due to some unexpected reasons, the owner forgot the restrict editing password. The later protection is used to prevedent users making any modification to the file, meaning no editing is allowed. As you might be not aware of, you can password protect a Word document by appling an open password or restricting editing. It is a complete word process program being used by millions each day. Word app is one of the most important asset in Microsoft Office Suite.